October 27, 2023

Amazing Things That Happened This Week: Third graders reached another goal in reading! 90 students reached 90% or higher on their iready lessons. We celebrated by playing “Turkey Trot”. (a reading game made by Mrs. Wheeler ) Mrs. Thomas’ Second Grade class got to have lunch and a movie in our classroom for having the second best attendance in the …

October 20, 2023

Amazing Things That Happened This Week: On Tuesday, we had 20 Mr. Killingers and 1 big chicken! Sprunica had the opportunity to share at October’s board meeting regarding STEM certification. Abby Magner and Shane Killinger presented Sprunica’s STEM certification website to the board and shared all of the amazing work SES scientists do EVERY day. If asked, most students at …

October 20, 2023

News from Around the School: All 9-11 students will be taking the PSAT this coming Tuesday (10/24). Football sectional is tonight at Switzerland County. Kickoff is set for 7:00. Believe it or not the Winter sports season is quickly approaching. The girls’ basketball team began practice this week and will have a scrimmage next Thursday at Seymour! Cross Country Regional …

October 20, 2023

Preschool Preschool has been learning about community helpers this month and today we got to meet with Wayne Law of Summers plumbing! He sat down with our class and tought us all about the ins and outs of this important trade. The kids had a blast! Preschoolers had so much fun this week playing puppet show and entertaining their friends. …

October 6, 2023

Cross Country Champs! Sprunica swept the Elementary Cross Country meet held on Wednesday! BOTH girls and boys’ teams came in first in the county! For our girls’ team:Lily Elliot came in second place overall for her time of 9:41.08. She had the fastest time out of ALL 4th graders earning a medal.  The following girls all received ribbons:Eleanor Harsch (9:42.40)Kenzie Gibson (9:46.06)Wrenn Drake …

September 29, 2023

Ted-Ed is coming to Sprunica! This week all Brown County elementary and middle schools kicked off TEDEd clubs. We are so excited about this opportunity for our students. They will get a platform to share ideas and a passion they truly believe is worth spreading to our community.  Just to think, on May 18, 2024, Brown County Schools will be …

September 29, 2023

News from Around the School: The volleyball team celebrated senior night on Thursday night against Southwestern. The athletic department would like to thank these 5 seniors for their dedication to the volleyball program.    The girls’ soccer team closed out the 2023 home schedule and celebrated senior night with a victory over Indian Creek! Your Link to View BCHS Athletics …

October 6, 2023

Elementary Cross Country Race! Preschool Pre-K has had a fun week of creativity and imaginative play including building a castle for zoo animals making cookies in the sand! Kindergarten This week in the World of Work, we continued to learn about the letter I in the RIASEC code.  We explored and named different types of careers for people with INVESTIGATIVE …


Preschool Pre-k is having a blast on our new playground!  Kindergarten This week in Kindergarten we are learning about the Artistic area of the RIASEC. We stretched our artistic muscles by creating never before seen animals out of Playdough.  First Grade 1st grade learned about what it takes to be an author and an illustrator this week. We had two …

September 22, 2023

Preschool This week preschool turned the playground into a drive through complete with friendly staff and yummy food.  Who knew? We’ve also had fun this week working with scissors and cutting out critters for our pattern matching game as well as building floor puzzles and creating color pictures. We love all things magnets and screw guns and building these days …