September 1, 2023
It’s fun for everyone in preschool and the kids know firsthand there’s nothing better than the wind in your hair as they enjoy sunny days and all things play!

1st grade
First graders have been learning about their math mindset. We have identified our strengths. This week we focused on exploring ways to explain our thinking. We also learned about strategies for describing and extending patterns. Through these activities, we described behaviors and mindsets that help the whole class learn. Finally, we did some fluency practice using our ten frame paddles and counters. We explored ways to create and break apart 5 in order to solve a number sentence.

First graders have jobs that are tied to their RIASEC codes! They are hard workers and absolutely love their jobs!

2nd grade
Second graders have been busy this week. in Social Studies we’re talking about our community and started to create our community by first designing our house. We also spent some time talking with each other about our RIASEC codes and our interest, and got to fill out our new ID Cards that list there codes and career interests.

3rd grade
Mrs. Ely: This was an exciting week in our class! We released 3 monarch butterflies and have 3 more in the chrysalis stage! In Math, we are learning to estimate sums and differences by rounding numbers to the nearest tens or hundreds. In the World of Work we continue to learn about our RIASEC codes and our interests. We have worked hard these first weeks of school and are looking forward to the holiday weekend!

Mrs. Stiles: Third graders have been very busy this week!! In social studies we are making Earth diagrams out of balloons. We are adding oceans, continents, and hemispheres to our project. In writing we learned about story elements and made a story map of our astronaut narrative. We are also learning a lot about the World of Work through our Beable app.

4th grade
4th Grade had another great week! We have been learning about landforms in Social Studies. We labeled and colored landform cards for our interactive notebooks. We also reviewed the terms with DOJO randomly calling on students and students earning classroom cash.
In World of Work (Beable), we went through lists of jobs for each of the code letters in RIASEC (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional). We circled all the jobs we would be interested in doing. We are redoing our surveys in Beable and using other tools to find out our RIASEC codes.
We are also learning how to work in groups using the Fab 4 Reading Strategies. We are learning to predict, clarify, question, and summarize. This week we assigned roles in our groups and began to practice using the 4 strategies all together.
4th Grade is a GREAT place to be!

5th grade
Fifth Graders have had a busy week! In Math, students are conquering place value- from the millions place to decimals into the thousandths place. Students worked in groups writing numbers in standard form, expanded form, and written form. In Morphology, students are learning how to determine the meaning of words by combining the definition of the prefix and the root word! Timelines are almost complete and they look amazing! Next week, we will begin writing a narrative about a “Moment in Time.” During Reading class, students competed in groups to match specific genres with their definitions. Reading the novel, Wonder, has become a favorite part of the day. Their first ‘debate’ caused a lot of deep thinking and learning how to respectfully agree or disagree, and left students begging for more. Social Studies is so fun! Students are learning about landforms, climate, and physical features of the U.S. in preparation for the STEM activity regions project they will begin next week! We also began working in Beable, our career connected learning program, and retook the interest assessment. Mrs. Middleton let a volunteer in each class lead the 3 part drill for Morphology and they did a great job!

Scientist of the Week: Sophia Sharp

This week in science, students in first grade practiced using a dropper. Students counted how many drops they could fit on a penny. The kids had a lot of fun trying to beat their previous attempt.

Our game of the week this week in PE was Defend the Pin. Students used
soccer based skills and teamwork to knock over the other team’s pins.
Lots of hard work and sweaty kids in the gym this week!

Speech with Mrs. Williams
Podcasts are a great way to practice listening skills. One of my favorites focuses on Weird News Stories!

Mrs. Whitcomb – Counseling
ATTENDANCE MATTERS and Helmsburg Tigers are off to a great start this year! #TigerPride #AttendanceMatters

Cross Country
Our cross country team is off to a great start!! #tigerpride