September 15, 2023

Preschool This week students have been busy learning all about animals! We’ve studied animal tracks and made our own footprints then we spent the day working as a Veterinarian assistant where we got to study real animal x-rays and write up our pet reports! It’s so fun exploring the world alongside these precious kiddos and watching them learn new things. …

September 8, 2023

Preschool Preschool loves to “read” together. Listen closely and you can just hear the imagination jumping off the page! “This week in PreK we had so much fun participating in spirit week!  From Minons to super heros to school pride, these kids sure know how to make everyday extra amazing!” Kindergarten Wow, what an AMAZING learning week!   We have been …

September 1, 2023

Preschool It’s fun for everyone in preschool and the kids know firsthand there’s nothing better than the wind in your hair as they enjoy sunny days and all things play! Kindergarten 1st grade First graders have been learning about their math mindset. We have identified our strengths. This week we focused on exploring ways to explain our thinking. We also …

August 25, 2023

Preschool PreK had a great time this week bringing the outdoors in so we didn’t melt in the heat. We had fun visits with Principal Bruner and we even enjoyed watching our new playground get installed and imagining all the fun we’re going to have in our new outdoor space! Kindergarten We have enjoyed another WONDERFUL week in kindergarten!  We …

August 18, 2023

Preschool Preschool has been hard at play this week with a focus on favorites. Turns out that ice cream is high on the list, which we might have predicted but we couldn’t have guessed that band-aids would also snag top billing. It looks like we may have some future doctors in our midst! Kindergarten Wow!  What an AMAZING 2nd week …

August 11, 2023

WELCOME BACK! We are off to an AMAZING start! It is so nice to see all of the students and families! We missed everyone and are ready for a great new year! Preschool We’re off to an amazing start in Preschool. Just look at these smiling faces! We’ve had a busy week learning our new classrooms and it’s been so …

May 19, 2023

HAVE A WONDERFUL SUMMER!! Preschool Preschool had so much fun watching the big fifth graders pretend to be famous people at the 5th grade wax museum.  We learned that Peyton Manning is very generous and Buzz Aldrin is very brave! Kindergarten Zoo trip!!! 1st grade First graders made several creations that fly. We watched videos about how planes fly and …

May 12, 2023

Preschool Fun Friday has become such a tradition for us. I know I’m going to miss it, and these amazing kiddos, this summer. So we’re soaking up every bit of fun we can have between now and the end of school! Kindergarten We have been doing report card testing and we started the CogAT test this week.  In OG,  In …

May 5, 2023

Preschool We’ve had a busy week building and making cool creations in preschool! We’ve also had an amazing time writing fun stories to accompany our adventures in growing bean seeds. I love watching our amazing kiddos explore and investigate. We have some great inventors on our team! Go Tigers! Kindergarten In Social Studies, we began our Kindergarten Junior Achievement lessons. …

April 28, 2023

Preschool Preschool has been a busy place this week!  We’ve had an excellent time enjoying spring weather although jackets were required a few mornings. We’ve been talking all things seeds and gardens and bees as spring continues to flourish all around us.  In fact, we’re trying grow beans that we put in our sensory bin to play with at the …