April 14, 2023

Miss Samantha visits Sprunica! Miss Samantha from the Brown County Library visited Pre-School, Kindergarten, and First Grade this week! She read springtime books and sang songs with the classes! The kids LOVE when she visits! Math Bowl Competes! Math Bowl had its competition on Tuesday! They placed third and did an amazing job! Thanks to Mr. White and Mr. Taylor …

April 7, 2023

News from the Main Office News from the Athletic Office


Happy Easter From Van Buren!!!! Van Buren students and families hunting Easter eggs at the Spring Festival! The Van Buren 4th grade students visiting the state house!

April 7, 2023

Preschool Preschool knows how to make the most of rainy days – we bring the activity inside! We love to dance and we always find ways to have fun. We’ve also managed to take advantage of the warm weather this week, and get outside when  we can. It was fun this week to listen to the kid’s conversations. They remember when …

April 6, 2023

3rd Grade Keeps Hitting Their Goals! 3rd Grade students reached another goal on I-ready reading!! 100% of students made 100% of their lessons! They celebrated with cookies! We work hard, we play hard!! 🙂 …and Third Grade finished their latest Read Aloud! Third grade read “Because of Winn Dixie” and then created a mistake tree! Check out some of their responses …


Preschool Pictures This week in Preschool we started a study of all things Spring. We learned about the water cycle, different types of precipitation, rainbows and how they’re created, and how rain helps all living things on Earth. We are working on name writing, letters P and Q, counting one to one, making patterns, and creative watercolor art. We choose to have …

March 31, 2023

News from the Main Office News from the Athletic Office

March 31, 2023

Preschool Preschool blog post: Happy Spring, everyone!  Preschool came back from break well rested and ready for a wonderful last few weeks of school.  It’s so hard to believe we’re talking kindergarten and summer break already.  I remember when these were the faces that greeted me.  Now I’ve got big kids all around! Can you image what a few more …

March 31, 2023

Sprunica’s Art Show All students, Kindergarten-Fifth Grade, had a piece of art hanging up in our Art Show on Monday, March 27. We had a great turnout and there were some absolutely amazing pieces! Thanks to Mrs. Schwenk for organizing such a wonderful event to showcase the many talents of Sprunica students! RIASEC Question of the Week “What do others …